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Coviu Newsletter August 2018

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Welcome to our Newsletter for August 2018.

We have had a great month with the addition of Linzi into our Customer Connect Team in Sydney. Linzi speaks fluent tech, health and customer engagement. She has the skills and the training to help your practice grow. When she reaches out, let her know how she can help.
Linzi can be reached at .

NEW FEATURE: Consent Forms Add-ons

New Coviu Feature: Consent forms

Many of our users have been asking about the need to get patient consent for delivering their services via telehealth. When a patient books a video consultation, you can certainly assume that they understand that the consult is delivered via a digital means and may not fully provide all the depth of an in-person consult. However, sometimes it's better to just remind them that this is the case. So we've made two types if consent forms available to you:

  • the General Telehealth consent form - this is free to use
  • the Configurable Telehealth consent form - for a flat $5 a month fee, you can activate it for your account

The configurable consent form allows you to replace the default text with your custom text.

Coviu consent forms

Before a patient enters a Coviu video call, they will click through a consent form and thus consent to the limitations of the different delivery format. The consent will not be tracked by Coviu, because we don't keep any patient data. The extra confidence is that you can now rest assured that all patients have consented before joining a video consult.

For more info on consent forms please contact .

NEW FEATURE: Bandwidth Controls

When connected via Coviu, the videos automatically adapt their bandwidth use to the available bandwidth on the connection. Coviu will try to go up to 1Mbps per video, but can go down to 350Kbps. That later limit has been challenging for a couple of our customers.

There are situations where you just have to connect to somebody on a very low bandwidth connection.
Until now, we've recommended turning off the video in such situations - that reduces bandwidth use enormously and you can hold the call, but you have to forego video.

Bandwidth Controls for your Coviu calls Now on we have a new solution: we've created a menu in the "Settings" section of your video call where you can manually change the quality of the video that you are sending out.

This will reduce the video resolution and send out video that needs less bandwidth. You will see an immediate impact on the blurriness of your video as you manually change the settings on your video.

If you notice a poor connection, you should also encourage the people at the other end of the call to pull down their video quality.

We've been able to have video calls on as low bandwidth connections as 100Kbps with the lowest setting - as long as you don't get any Internet dropouts, you'll stay connected.
We're continuing to innovate so in future we may be able to further automate these settings.

For more information on bandwidth controls please contact .


October is set to be a huge month for our team, we will be out and about at the best health conferences in Australia. Linzi will meet you in Canberra for the AAPM and Silvia will meet you in Darwin for SFT and RMA. Any Sydney siders: we will also be at the Wild Health Summit - so please come and say hi!

  • 11-13 October 2018: RACGP-18
  • 16-19 October 3018: AAPM-18
  • 22-24 October 2018: SFT-18
  • 25-27 October 2018: RMA-18
  • 20th November 2018 : Wild Health Summit
Upcoming Conferences for Coviu

And as always: don't hesitate to contact us for a sneak-peak at the latest Coviu features - we're busy adding more workflow and business features to allow you to scale your telehealth business.

Book a demo with me today at

I look forward to showing you around Coviu!

Linzi from Coviu

Linzi Fine
Customer Success Manager

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